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White faced sheep looking a little lost in the bracken as they contemplate a new shelter made from railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.comIf you're happy, let us know!  
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Customer Feedback


I must also comment on your website, I am an avid Railwaysleepers.com visitor of late and must say I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through your website, I has to be one of the most interesting sites I have ever seen! Congratulations on a superb website.

Tracey Brown

A master-class in website construction. Really informative. Everything you need to know is on the site.

Tony Foxton

Many thanks for all your help in supplying us the railway sleeper for our fire mantle. Your help in finding your location was excellent due to your superb website and a quick phone call. We were able to pick out a lovely piece of wood which now adorns our fireplace - Your advice and comments as we selected our wood was most appreciated. Thanks again.

Steve & Diane Langford

What a fabulous website. I was vaguely thinking about using some railway sleepers somewhere in my small and strangely shaped garden, and have been motivated to the point of going outside in the dark in my pyjamas to do some measuring. I'm still not sure, but ideas are abounding!

Emily Evans

Your railway sleeper web-site is great. If more were like it, searching the web would be an easier, more humorous and generally more enjoyable an experience.


After delivering 23 railway sleepers to us at Easter, it took us 10 days to finish the deck, start to finish, with the help of 2 or 3 'good friends', who strangely enough we don't seem to have seen much of since then - I think they said something about 'chiropractors' and 'back strain'. It looks absolutely brill - just like the artwork. Since then we've done loads of bopping about at 2 in the morning on the railway sleepers, and everyone who sees it says how effective, wonderfully timesaving and thoroughly enjoyable it is. We've had no trouble whatsoever with leaking tar, & the cats think the railway sleepers are excellent for avoiding the gravel !! All in all, a fantastic success, and when I get a minute from eating and drinking outdoors I will send a photo. Thanks again for just being there, on the 'net' with your sleepers.


What an enjoyable site! It took me a wee while to transition from suspicion - this site has to be a spoof - through incredulity - it appears to be legit - to having a ball reading around what you have. I can barely believe you can make a site about railway sleepers, for crying out loud - no offence - so lively! Anyway, enough superlatives..

Sally Cummings

Congratulations on an excellent web site. It is, indeed, addictive and the customer images have spawned, not only the pond project but also railway sleeper raised beds, pathways and seating as well.

Paul. www.alternative-space.com

Love the web site with all those fabulous creative ways to use railway sleepers new or old. Unfortunately you are too far away for me to visit ( I am in Dublin). ?Keep up the good work.

Dougie, Dublin

I can't believe i found this website - i googled 'railway sleepers' hoping for some inspiration on what to do with the four railway sleepers i have acquired.. 4 hours later i realised most of the day i was supposed to be spending actually landscaping had gone! What an amazing site. I'm a regular user of the web for inspiration, ideas and useful tips and hints but have never come across your site, or anything quite so comprehensive or informative. The catalogue of photos from your customers' projects is awe-inspiring, the hard work and imagination that has gone into those gardens makes me want to get started on my own (and dread the back ache that i know is coming!), so many good ideas! You supply a fantastic range of products. I love your tongue in cheek (but never cheeky) style and the satire on the feedback page. You obviously don't take yourselves too seriously which is a very endearing quality (just for making a good website, making me laugh and giving me some much needed inspiration). I was initially looking for ideas for my four lonely (but cherished) railway sleepers but now i find myself wanting to order more from you! Oh no! railway sleeper fever here we come.. (hammock, raised bed, pond, patio,... ( i WILL be charging an entrance fee!) Many thanks for the much needed inspiration injection into my flagging enthusiasm for what is currently my blank canvas/ leveled / mud bath / semi landscaped / weed paradise. Also, i hadn't realised which railway sleepers I have, (I have creosoted ones, I now realise) and was thinking of using them for seating! Thank you.

Kathryn Thompson

For the record, your railway sleepers web site is excellent in all respects and my two phone calls for advice have been responded to speedily, with courtesy and a very friendly spirit. What a refreshing change to "your call is important to us" but we'll keep you waiting 30mins!! Well done and thank you.

Kevin Miller

What a great website. I've pored over it in great detail as I need to order some railway sleepers for my garden and laughed when I saw the info for Intergalatic deliveries. Very funny indeed. It is indeed a great website with lots of useful information which has made the planning of my project so much easier.


I found your website on railway sleepers on an internet search, which is fantastic by the way, lovin' the sense of humour that pervades throughout, on an internet search.

Helen, Arun District Council, West Sussex

Great candour , amusement and even sarcasm in your narrative. The wife does not know what I'm upto but I suppose it's just a matter of time before I'm 'outed'. So before I get banned I just wanted to say, a fantastic site about railway sleepers, educational, informative, helpful and amusing. I will try to sneak on again when she's in bed. OUR REPLY - Thank you for your e-mail. It's a heady cocktail having guilty secrets within relationships. Sometimes you may get away with it for years, although there will inevitably always be the tension and fear of potential exposure when you are 'outed'. Maybe that's the thrill. I guess you need to sit down and take a hard look at your life. Is it worth risking your marriage and family for the sake of some railway sleepers, however irresistible and addictive they may feel?

Nick Bassarab

Firstly what a brilliant website! We had hours of fun browsing...almost forgetting to actually make a choice of railway sleepers!

Caroline Glover

Thanks for the laughs on the website! Very Funny!


Thanks for the excellent website full of ideas which is leading to a possible project with railway sleepers.

Alex Ward

Thank you so much for your email and getting back to me so quick. It has been great to get your views on using your railway sleepers. We will definitely be using your company now mainly because of your great customer service by getting back to me so fast. I will order the railway sleepers on line and will take pics all through the building and then be in contact with the story. Thanks again for all your help in the matter and speak soon.

Ian Marshall, Spargo Hairdressing.

Can I just say what a fantastic website you have!!! I am myself currently investigating the possible import of railway sleepers and I am researching companies that currently sell them. Loving all the pictures and the story about the divorce case. What a breath of fresh air that some companies still reach out to everybody instead of having cheesy photographs of the CEO/MD feeding us all the same corporate rubbish.?


Hi, just a quick email to say we LOVE LOVE LOVE the Karri railway sleepers, they look absolutely perfect in the garden and are actually in really good condition despite warnings from Karen! so thanks to the site manager for looking out 8 good ones. The garden project is not finished yet and there is a hiatus while the gardener goes on hols, but it should be finished towards end of july when rest assured i will get some pics to you. have taken the before pics as requested. Many thanks for the excellent customer service when we were panicking about delivery times.

Eve Sperring