Belton Hall's play houses, fort & playarea with poles

When constructed with imagination and fun, a play area is a paradise for children. The adventure playground at the National Trust's Belton Hall near Grantham is such a place. Acres of woodland with massive trees with swings, pulleys, slides, fort, playhouses, tree structures, miniature train etc.. A fabulous afternoon in an idyllic setting. Many of the ideas from this play area can be translated to a smaller setting, and would be wonderful in a smaller garden.The construction is usually very simple, & mainly uses landscaping poles.

Timberplay Ltd has supplied and installed the play equipment from Richter Spielgeräte on photos 7 & 13.

New machine round landscaping poles Says.. supplies new and used hardwood & softwood railway sleepers throughout the UK.
Building a play house is massive fun & very quick... a chance to play at being an architect!