Colin's railway sleeper foundation for his cabin

Many Thanks for supplying me with some beautiful timbers. After some carefull work with a chainsaw i used them for a temporary foundation for my cabin, which will be moved to a new location in a couple of years time to my next home. The cabin fills the available space as you can see, but this home is a stopgap while I am using my home equity to convert my factory into flats to rent

I've decided that rather than being a temporary foundation, I will be using the railway sleepers again when I move the cabin because they "just look right".

Thanks again

Colin Felce

New British Pine eco friendly railway sleepers Says..

Many thanks for your photos. It's not only great to see you using new railway sleepers as a foundation for your beautiful cabin, but also to hear that you will be taking them with you when you move. They are such a flexible & adaptable material that can have many different usages.