Jamie and Karen's stunning azobe railway sleeper patio

We received some beautiful and very heavy African azobe railway sleepers last year to make a patio area for a client. At the time we promised you some photos of the finished area but until now had forgot. We have attached some pics for you to look at....sorry for the lateness!!!! The clients love the end result...so thank you for the railway sleepers, the excellent delivery and your help over the phone!!!!
Karen and Jamie D.I.G.

Used Azobe top grade railway sleepers
2600mm x 240mm x 140mm

RailwaySleepers.com Says..

RailwaySleepers.com supplies new and used hardwood & softwood railway sleepers throughout the UK. Railwaysleepers.com
The colour of the new azobe railway sleepers are so rich, vibrant & astonishing, creating a stunning patio that is a credit to both your skills and imaginative design.