We just thought it would be nice to share with you what we have created with your lovely Azobe railway sleepers. Please see attached photos. We travelled down from Cambridge a few times to fetch them and you were alway friendly and helpful and would let me use your loo too! Many thanks again.
Julie and Ian
Azobe tropical hardwood railway sleepers
2.6m x 240mm x 140mm (approx)
RailwaySleepers.com Says..
Thanks to both of you for the pictures of your African Azobe railway sleepers in all their glory. A beautifully created pond and patio that looks wonderful edged with these weathered tropical hardwood railway sleepers. They are super heavy to lift, and I'm sure there was lots of huffing and puffing as you laid them into position, not to mention curses at the arduous cutting of this timber, but the final masterpiece is more than worth the pain. Delightful.