I've seen your railway sleepers website and I thought I would share a little video of my project as it went through the different stages. Hopefully you should find some inspiration. The garden itself was originally a three level concrete jungle. It is a project I did during 2014 - 2015. The majority of it was done by myself, with the aid of a trusty assistant, (my Dad) and my apprentice (my son). The original back garden, with 50 plus plants and shrubs that were overgrown and out of control has been transformed with a set of railway sleeper steps and an area of grass suitable for a bowls game.. Yes, it is that flat! I've attached some pictures and a video.
New British Pine railway sleepers
RailwaySleepers.com Says..
Thank you for your photos and the link to your brilliant video. Well worth watching. It's really inspiring to see what you have accomplished as you have dramatically transformed your garden with such skill, determination and hard graft. An amazing railway sleeper renovation to be massively proud of.