Jill & Dave's railway sleeper raised bed project

As promised, photo's of our finished deep raised beds project. We were delighted with your website, delivery and quality of your railway sleepers. My husband struggled a little with the weight so as would any true engineer he knocked together a pair of wheels (see photo). Other than that it all went smoothly. Even the dog had fun!
Jill & Dave Ashton

Used jarrah & tropical hardwood railway sleepers, Grade 1-2
2600mm x 300mm x 125mm

RailwaySleepers.com Says..

RailwaySleepers.com supplies new and used hardwood & softwood railway sleepers throughout the UK. Railwaysleepers.com
Great to see what you have created with your Jarrah railway sleepers. As you have discovered they are really heavy, being dense tropical hardwood timbers, and can be a real struggle to move into position. That's where your improvised way of wheeling them into place comes into its own!