John Incle's vegetable beds with railway sleepers

Few sights could be more satisfying than a collection of lovingly tended vegetable beds, with clumps of parsley and onion shoots, and clusters of cabbages and curly kale, and bamboo sculptural constructions for runner beans etc... And of course the bench to rest on, and dream of future plantings and sunday lunches with buttered new potatoes and sweet carrots.
Constructing raised veg beds with railway sleepers is so simple to achieve, and with the help of timberlok sleeper screws, the project is completed in hours, not days... and your life will never be the same again! Avoid creosote treated sleepers which are carcogenic and can contaminate food, skin and clothes. New pine, new oak, used Jarrah and used Azobe are the most popular. Pine is the easiest!