Malcolm's railway sleeper veggie beds

Here as promised are three photos to show the (v basic) story of my railway sleeper raised beds – i.e. tidy delivery, built foundations and finally erected, wood stained with liners installed and “in production”. I am no David Bailey I am afraid and this is the sum total of my photography.
I am very happy with my new toys and look forward to years of fun trying to improve my veggie growing skills with them. If these photos are of any interest please use them as you wish. Thank you for also the efficiency of your ordering and delivery service – and the quality of the sleeper kits. It being a sloping site I went in for firm concrete foundations but clearly these would not have been necessary on a flat site. All very good stuff. Thank you again.
Malcolm (Webb) Says.. supplies new and used hardwood & softwood railway sleepers throughout the UK.
Great to see your photographs of the newly created railway sleeper veggie beds from start to finish. If you are as modest about your photography, as you are about your plant growing skills, you will clearly have a bumper crop of prize winning vegetables!