Dawlish Warren Railway Sleeper retaining wall

I've been back and forth to your website for a couple of years now as I plan my garden / railway sleeper project. I love your website and all of the project photos, it has given me so much inspiration!!
I was in Dawlish Warren in Devon last weekend and they have used railway sleepers to a really nice effect around their seafront, so I thought I'd send you some photos.  In fact, I'm planning on doing something similar in my garden which is really why I took the photos.  It has taken me nearly 2 years to excavate my hilly garden into 3 different levels and I am planning on building retaining walls in a kind of 'P' shape with railway sleepers to separate the terraces. I am almost ready to start thinking about buying the railway sleepers I need, so may need some further advice in the near future?

The new British pine railway sleepers used here have soft edges on them whereas most of the railway sleepers I've seen have very sharp edges where they have been cut. I have young kids so safety is going to be a consideration in my garden design. Hopefully the weather will improve at some stage and I can continue working! 

New British Pine railway sleepers

RailwaySleepers.com Says..

RailwaySleepers.com supplies new and used hardwood & softwood railway sleepers throughout the UK. Railwaysleepers.com
You've spotted a great public landscaping project that uses new British pine railway sleepers with simple effectiveness. Yes, the landscapers have softened all the edges of the railway sleepers with a plane or sander that creates a soft child friendly effect. All credit to you researching your project and gaining ideas and inspiration for your three levelled terrace. I hope it goes well. Send us photos as you progress!