I'm trying to get a boardroom table made similar to the one in the photos above. I want to use full size old hardwood polished railway sleepers with the original pins holding the track. I can supply the steel railway track and pins but I would need some suitable railway sleepers.
Any ideas suggestions will be great.
Mark Slowan
Used Tropical Hardwood G1-2 railway sleepers
RailwaySleepers.com Says..
What a spectacular table! The only used railway sleepers that would be suitable are the untreated (not creosote treated) Jarrah hardwood ones which we can supply in various grades and sizes. Because it's for a very special and individual project we would advise that you, or whoever is going to construct the table, visits us and choses the exact pieces of timber you require. Every timber is so individual that it makes sense to hand pick the railway sleepers. Please send us some before, during and after photos of this unique table.