Please find attached some pictures of the, nearly, completed pond. Very happy with the pond and it makes a great centrepiece to the garden, plus the fish love their new home. Now its time see what we do with the rest of the garden, so I suspect you might be getting another call for more railway sleepers, probably not African Azobe railway sleepers next time. Wow they were heavy and incredibly hard! The wood being so hard did make for many head-scratching moments as the Timberlock screws just couldn't cope, even with pre-drilling, about 50% of them snapped and I had to resort to coach bolts and heavy duty L-brackets to hold the walls together. That said, its a distant memory the splinters, burses and swearing as I relax with a beer listening to the the waterfall.
George Mudie
Used African Azobe railway sleepers
2600mm x 240mm x 140mm