I started this railway sleeper raised pond project in 2005, but sadly only got as far as breaking down an old retaining wall and digging out a few inches before family problems intervened. In June this year (2016), I decided to start again, and this is the result.
The final result was well worth all the effort, and I couldn't have done it without the support of my friend Steve and all his confidence in me. Moral of the story…. No matter how long a project takes…. Never give up!!!
Railway sleeper pond project ingredients:
3m and 2.4m new pine railway sleepers held together with timberlock screws, 75 x 25mm spacers between the frames, and decking for the top and the waterfall, which contains a 600mm stainless steel waterfall blade bought off eBay. Pump is running through a hozelock filter at 6,500 lph and the pond is approx 1,350 gallons.
Very pleased with myself now :-)
Ian Willetts
New British pine eco friendly railway sleepers
Timberlok screws
RailwaySleepers.com Says..
Thank you for the excellent stage by stage photos and description of your impressive railway sleeper raised pond. You have every reason to feel really pleased about your creation, especially after such a tough journey. It's hard to keep momentum going sometimes, but even more satisfying when you finally reach the end! A great feat and a fantastic pond.