
Length Weight Unit Price (ex VAT) Quantity
1 x BAG of POSTFAST @ £7.50+Vat each Length: 400 Weight: 20kg £7.50 - +
5 BAGS of POSTFAST @ £6.50+Vat each Length: 400 Weight: 100kg £32.50 - +
20 BAGS of POSTFAST @ £5.75+Vat each Length: 400 Weight: 400kg £115.00 - +
70 BAGS of POSTFAST @ £5+Vat each Length: 400 Weight: 1400kg £350.00 - +


PostFast instant concrete for fixing railway sleepers and steel H Beams. Railwaysleepers.comJust add water and you're ready to go!
PostFast is a fast setting instant concrete mix that provides the simplest of solutions for fixing railway sleepers, steel H beams and landscaping poles into the ground. It offers 25N/mm² strength, a set time of 5-10 minutes and it's really easy to use. Just add water with no pre-mixing required. Our 20 kg waterproof bags are made from 50% recycled material and are 100% recyclable.

Fixing a railway sleeper post with PostFast instant concrete. Railwaysleepers.comMethod one:
1) Dig hole to correct depth and width relevant to railway sleeper or steel H beam size. As a rough guide a third below ground and two thirds above. e.g. 800mm below & 1600mm out of the ground in the case of a 2.4m length railway sleeper or steel H beam. 
2) Place the railway sleeper / H beam in the hole and hold it upright in position with temporary timbers or stakes. Check for alignment with a spirit level.
3) Fill hole with water to a third of the depth.
4) Pour in PostFast evenly around until no standing water is visible (powder completely covers water surface).
5) Do not move the railway sleeper / H beam for at least 10 minutes until the concrete has set. Ideally, allow a further hour before attempting to fix anything to the railway sleeper as any movement may weaken the concrete.

Method two:
1) Dig hole as above
2) Place the railway sleeper / H beam upright in the hole and pour the dry PostFast fix evenly around it. You may find that this dry concrete mixture will temporarily hold it vertically in place. Check for alignment with a spirit level.
3) Pour in water. Stop pouring
when the water ceases to soak away.  
4) Do not move the railway sleeper / H beam for at least 10 minutes until the concrete has set. Ideally, allow a further hour before attempting to fix anything to the railway sleeper as any movement may weaken the concrete.

Do not use when air temperature is below +5ºC or when ground is frozen.
Wear gloves to avoid concrete contacting the skin.

Ensure all tools and equipment are cleaned thoroughly with water prior to the material setting.
For more information click on the following links: 

Postfast usage sheet
Postfast safety data sheet

Extra Info