The May's impressive oak raised vegetable beds with new railway sleepers. Drug free!

Here are photos of the six raised vegetable beds we made from your new oak railway sleepers. 
The Mays,

New oak railway sleepers
2.6m x 250mm x 125mm Says.. supplies new and used hardwood & softwood railway sleepers throughout the UK.
Behind the finished article is a tale of hard graft. If you come across a collection of raised oak vegetable beds, in a beautiful village setting overlooking an expanse of open fields, you naturally admire them, and imagine all the wonderful vegetables that will be produced and enjoyed in the coming season. What you probably don't realise is the really arduous and impressive hard graft that has gone into creating them. The gruelling shifting of 5 tons of oak from a grass track into the bottom of the garden. The digging out and levelling of the area. The assembling of 48 no. 100kg railway sleepers, whilst calculating for slight tolerances of length, width and depth. The pre-drilling and screwing in of 120 no. 200mm and 300mm timberlok screws. This is a project to be admired, but also seriously impressed by! We are constantly open mouthed by a quadruple jump at the winter olympics, yet forget the behind the scenes pain and committment to endless training. So all credit to the May's raised beds. We know the pain you went through (and probably drug free!)