Our Kea Parish Garden renovation and design project. We have used 370 reclaimed railway sleepers with over 5.4m of elevation difference between the top of the upper steps and the front door. All railway sleepers were cut, aligned and braced into position before concreting into place. The back of the railway sleepers are lined with Terram GeoTextile with a column of gravel and perforated land drain to prevent water standing against the railway sleepers and to carry away any excess water. The job has been built to last a very long time with unique features. A large grand set of curved steps leading from the patio on the lower level of the garden up onto the centre driveway with options to step onto the terraces on the way up. We completed the edging using some repurposed granite pieces from the old garden.
Nick Wood,
Prenn Landscapes,
Bespoke Design, Landscaping and Maintenance services for all budgets.
07929 704705
Website: https://www.prennlandscapes.com
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Email: Nick@PrennLandscapes.com
RailwaySleepers.com Says..
A big thank you to Prenn Landscapes. Being both compulsively passionate about railway sleepers and also an avid traveller, I have seen thousands of railway sleeper projects throughout the world. Most are functional, straightforward and pleasing enough, but occasionally there are ones that really make me really excited or open mouthed in delight. Nick Wood's Kea Parish project in Cornwall is one such extraordinary creation that is amazing to see. A triumph of design, imagination and sheer graft. A construction that proudly flaunts it's use of weathered oak railway sleepers. An exceptional installation that deserves every plaudit.