We are so passionate about railway sleepers...!

EVERYTHING YOU EVER NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT RAILWAY SLEEPERS but were afraid to ask! Whether you are planning a raised bed, retaining wall, raised pond or some steps in the garden, you will find that railway sleepers are brilliant to use. Whether you want new or used railway sleepers, softwood or hardwood railway sleepers, untreated or treated railway sleepers, we have 1000's in stock & WE LOVE THEM! Some might say that this makes us a little obsessive, having recently built the largest railway sleeper projects collection in the world, but we are proud to say that we equally care about our customers & enthusiastically supply our railway sleepers throughout the UK. We even have a support programme for those ADDICTED to railway sleepers!


What our customers say...

  • Railway sleepers are new to me so your website is a real eye opener. Your advice is great & I've loved reading the various ideas & projects. I'll take your advice & use TimberLok if I ever take the plunge! Great website loads of info...

    Andrew Shapcott

  • Great quality railway sleepers. Plenty of choice. Advice freely given and the railway sleepers delivered on time. What more could you wish for?...

    Tom Rawsterne

  • I hope the pictures of my railway sleeper project are useful. I have had nothing but compliments about them from neighbours!...

    Martin Batten, Milton Keynes.

  • Thanks for your help on Friday with the railway sleepers. It was a long drive up but I'm very happy with the railway sleepers. Great condition and size for the bridge project that we have to do. Thanks to your yardman for all his help loading up in your well organised woodyard and for the great available stock which was ready to be collected. I will definitely be in touch with our next railwa...

    Matthew, Caines Groundworks Contractors

  • Thank you so much for the quick turn around with the Railway Sleepers. It’s great to be working along such a great Supplier. We look forward to continued business together with your great products. ...

    John Canavan, Equestrian Supplier.

  • Hi Just been broozing your site having seen you mentioned in the Sunday Telegraph. What a BRILLIANT SITE......... So many ideas. You'll be hearing from me. ...


  • Great prices and super friendly service. Having scoured the internet and being a novice, I wanted to buy some bashed up railway sleepers for shelving in my brick walled conservatory. I called this company and asked a few questions about whether the railway sleepers could be used indoors and was signposted to their 'customer photos'. The people I spoke to on the phone were very knowledgeable and on...

    Sue J

  • I have just been on your website and I am emailing to congratulate you on your brilliant delivery terms to Outer Space. It really made me laugh out loud and at this point in time this is much needed!! Stay Safe ...

    Girls from The Peak

  • What a great website. I've pored over it in great detail as I need to order some railway sleepers for my garden and laughed when I saw the info for Intergalatic deliveries. Very funny indeed. It is indeed a great website with lots of useful information which has made the planning of my project so much easier. ...


  • What an enjoyable site! It took me a wee while to transition from suspicion - this site has to be a spoof - through incredulity - it appears to be legit - to having a ball reading around what you have. I can barely believe you can make a site about railway sleepers, for crying out loud - no offence - so lively! Anyway, enough superlatives.. ...

    Sally Cummings

This month's special offers
Our entrance sign that announces the wide range of new and used railway sleepers in our railway sleeper yard. Railwaysleepers.com  A wide range of new and used railway sleepers in our railway sleeper yard. Railwaysleepers.com A wide range of used tropical hardwood railway sleepers in our railway sleeper yard. Railwaysleepers.com A wide range of new oak railway sleepers in our railway sleeper yard. Railwaysleepers.com A wide range of used Dutch oak railway sleepers in our railway sleeper yard. Railwaysleepers.com A wide range of new British pine railway sleepers in our railway sleeper yard. Railwaysleepers.com
New oak railway sleepers offer. Railwaysleepers.com New pine railway sleeper offer. Railwaysleepers.com Bargain packs of used hardwood railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.com New bargain packs of new oak and pine railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.com Bargain offers of new Timber and Decking screws. Railwaysleepers.com 50% off pack of used Belgium oak railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.com

Our most popular products

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Railway Sleeper Projects

Sometimes it's enough to send you off the rails...
Railway sleepers and railway tracks. Railwaysleepers.com
Sorry if it feels a bit overwhelming.
You may innocently visit this website, simply thinking of getting some railway sleepers, only to discover that there seems to be hundreds of railway sleeper choices. There are new & used ones, hardwood & softwood, treated & untreated. Then, to add to the excitement there are thousands of amazing railway sleeper projects. Railway sleeper inspiration seems to becoming from all directions! Landscapers, gardeners, architects, builders etc... with endless creations. Railway sleeper raised beds. Railway sleeper steps. Railway sleeper walls. Railway sleeper water features. Railway sleeper buildings. The whole universe seems to be covered with millions of amazing railway sleepers! Don't worry! Just relax, breathe and soak up this wonderful world!
Luna in training as railway sleeper inspector. Railwaysleepers.comLuna the railway sleeper inspector in her hi-vis vest. Railwaysleepers.comLuna is qualified as a railway sleeper inspector. Railwaysleepers.comLuna easily passes her railway sleeper forklift test. Railwaysleepers.com
Just let her give you a hand
1) WHAT IS THE BEST railway sleeper?
2) HOW TO ATTACH railway sleepers together
3) Building a RETAINING WALL with railway sleepers
4) HOW TO LIFT railway sleepers
5) HOW TO CUT railway sleepers


White faced sheep peering out from bracken, maybe searching for railway sleepers! Railwaysleepers.comPUBLIC WARNING! 
Planning a project with railway sleepers can be amazingly exciting, as you turn your creative dreams into reality. We offer on this website a wealth of ideas, tips & photos on how to use railway sleepers! But a word of WARNING. The more involved you get in your railway sleeper project, the less time you'll spend on other parts of your life! Soon you'll stop going out, meeting friends, going to work, helping with children, the housework, or even getting dressed. Soon you'll only babble on incessantly about wonderful railway sleepers!
YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  WE CAN HELP YOU!  READ MORE                                               

Addiction to railway sleepers - take care! Railwaysleepers.comDANGER!!  Planning landscaping projects with railway sleepers can be seriously ADDICTIVE! 
"It started with 3 railway sleepers, and ended up being 25. We just got carried away." A & K confession
"My wife doesn't know what I'm up to but I suppose it's just a matter of time before I'm 'outed'. Nick B confession.
CAUTION! - You will probably spend endless hours on this website, as you investigate the astonishing world of railway sleepers & discover amazing new ideas & projects. You have been warned! 
NO LIABILITY! - We can take no responsibility for any loss of family, job, money or friends as you fall deeper into this fabulous world of railway sleepers.  KEEP CLEAR! - Some have entered the railway sleeper Projects Pages and never been heard of again.    PLEASE TAKE HEED !

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It's wonderful to see the transformation of a new oak railway sleeper, through cutting and planing, into a living room feature that is pride of place above the fireplace. 

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