Here is a set of photos chronicling the construction of our railway sleeper table. The base is made from Plum, Rowan and Hawthorn (made from an old Hawthorn tree that died). It’s 60 cm wide at the base and all gnarly and twisted with other trees and stuff growing out of it. I'm sure its hundreds of years old because it grew so slowly. What do you think of the table ? I reckon it weighs around two and a half ton. The top part is the best part of a ton. The 10 threaded bolts were also quite heavy. Finally, I was concened that the railway sleepers at the edges were only being supported by two threaded bolts so I also inserted 2 additional tungsten stainless steel bolts …20mm diameter and 60 cm long as dowling rods to give it additional strength.
I have made the table such that it can all be unbolted and dismantled if need be. If we are ever burgled I suspect they won't take the table!! Anyway, I loved working with the railway sleepers. The wood is stunning and beautiful.
Martyn Wheel
Reclaimed Jarrah & Tropical hardwood railway sleepers Says..
Brilliant photos. There are many unbelievable factors to this stunning table. Firstly, how did you finally move it into position?! The overall weight of one to two tons is jawdropping, and it must be virtually impossible to shift without a team of olympic weightlifters! Many people struggle to lift ONE tropical hardwood railway sleeper, let alone nine! Secondly, the cutting into a circle of such tough tight grained timber is not to be undertaken by the faint hearted. Not to mention the sanding and oiling. No wonder one of your pictures shows your son flat out on the railway sleepers. Either exhausted or a child sacrifice! All in all a massive and impressive undertaking that will comfortably sit 8 people for eternity. Indeed in 500 years, they'll probably construct a futuristic house around it, as they scratch their heads and marvel at the skills (or lunacy) of the early 21st century, whilst singing ballads about the 'Muckle Teeble of Dumfries'!