We have loved making our little water feature from your railway sleepers – we wanted something with minimal fuss, and this was just the answer; because the railway sleepers are not retaining in any way, we did not feel that they needed to be held together. The end-result, in our opinion, is something magical that is in keeping with our very small courtyard garden. See attached pictures….before, during and after!
John & Kate (Kellet)
Used Jarrah and tropical hardwood railway sleepers
1200mm, 900mm and 300mm lengths by 300mm x 125mm
RailwaySleepers.com Says..
There is something very personal and special about the tiny water feature that you have created in your courtyard from used tropical hardwood railway sleepers. So simple, natural and overflowing with colour and folliage, that makes it almost reminiscent of an exquisite shrine. Very beautiful. A little oasis in your courtyard garden, and your photos demonstrate perfectly how the simple positioning of old railway sleepers can make a very attractive feature.