Olympic diving hopeful trains at Kilgraney

06 October 2002

Oct 2002.
Never try a backwards freefall dive off a stack of sleepers. (Me trying to load up the trailer with scant regard for health and safety) It's still exceptionally painful after 3 weeks, & visits to hospital, chiropractors etc.. Joking apart I was lucky not to break my hip, back etc... Still at least I can contact a 'no win, no fee' agency, and sue Kilgraney for negligence.
We've spent several weeks re-designing the web-site, with hopefully beter pictures, and more areas of interest. Soon we will be offering you railway carriages, sleeper furniture, sculptures etc.. followed by Kilgraney food, cars, financial services, crude oil, processed uranium... and finally world domination. What comes after world domination ? Retirement I suppose.