Frequently asked Questions about using steel H-beams or RSJs with railway sleepers

Old used oak railway sleepers slotted into steel RSJs to create strong retaining wall.  Retaining wall with used reclaimed oak railway sleepers slotted into steel I beams.  slotting old railway sleepers into steel I beams.  Huge height of wall possible with old railway sleepers slotted into vertical steel H beams.   Aggregate bays in building merchants with old oak railway sleepers slotted into steel H beams.  Internal factory wall made from used railway sleepers slotted into steel RSJs.  Short protective wall made from old reclaimed railway sleepers slotted into steel I beams.  Massive dividing wall made from old oak railway sleepers slotted into steel I beams.

*What does H-beam, RSJ and other abbreviations mean? SEE BELOW!
*How do you build a WALL with steel H-beams and Railway Sleepers?  SEE BELOW!
*What size or thickness of steel H-beam do I need? SEE BELOW!
*How to order steel H beams?  SEE BELOW!
*Pros and Cons of using steel steel H-beams with Railway Sleepers?  SEE BELOW!
*Which type of railway sleeper should I use? SEE BELOW!
*Examples of projects using steel H-beams and railway sleepers.  SEE BELOW!

What does H-beam, RSJ and the other abbreviations mean?
RSJ = Rolled Steel Joist. A common type of beam used for structural steelwork. 
H-beam = the actual shape or profile of the steel beam, i.e. the cross section looks like an 'H'.

All you need to know about the measurements of steel H beams and using them with old railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.comHow do you build a wall with steel H-beams & railway sleepers?
Constructing a wall out of steel H-beams and railway sleepers is pretty straightforward, once you've got the steel H-beams AND the railway sleepers. DON'T BE TEMPTED to concrete in the steel H-beams until you've received & measured the railway sleepers and worked out the correct spacing sizes. Otherwise you may find they don't fit, which is going to be a real pain! 

Help with using steel I beams to slot railway sleepers into. Railwaysleepers.com1) Measure the length of all the railway sleepers, and calculate how far apart the steel H-beams need to be. You need to take into account the different size variations, especially if you are using reclaimed railway sleepers, as they are more irregular, e.g. if a railway sleeper is described as 2.6m x 250mm x 150mm (approx), then possibly the 2.6m may be 1.58m or 2.62m. This will effect the distance required between the steel H-beams, when you concrete them in, and thus the ease of sliding the railway sleepers into the H-beams. That's why we urge you to measure the railway sleepers BEFORE you fix the H-beams!   Likewise the 150mm thickness could actually be 140mm or 160mm, so allow for tolerance when you order the size of your steels H-beams. Nothing worse than a railway sleeper that is jammed half way through the sliding in process, or one that falls out or has to be painstakingly trimmed to length.  
Steel H Beams concreted into the ground with used railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.com2) Mark out the position of the holes in the ground, using a string line and stakes, and dig to the required depth. There isn't a depth calculation that fits all scenarios, as there are many variables, e.g.  a) the height of the wall, b) the weight & pressure of the earth or marerial the wall is holding back, c) the structure or firmness of the ground you are digging the hole into (sandy, rock, clay etc..). As a very rough rule, some landscapers work on a calculation of at least half the height of the wall being used to determine the depth of the hole. e.g. a 1m wall will have the H-beams sunk in at least 0.5m into the ground. Other landscapers and structural engineers may err on the side of caution, and sink the steels in as deep as the wall is high. e.g. a 1m wall will have the H-beamss sunk in at least 1m into the ground. Therefore, half of the steel H-beam will be underground, and half will be above. Our advice would be to sink them into the ground as deep as possible, and if the wall is holding back a substantial weight, then maybe take advice from a structural engineer. NB. BE CAUTIOUS about how many steel H-beams you concrete in at a time, so as to avoid the risk of getting the spaces wrong, as you discover some of the railway sleepers are longer or shorter.  
3) Lower the steel H-beams into the hole, ensure it is exactly vertically positioned using tape and spirit level and then backfill with a dry concrete mix, that you can ram down around the steel H-beam until it is rigid. The advantage of a dry cement mix is that whilst positioning the steel beams, you can take them out and re-position them without getting wet concrete everywhere. If the ground is damp, the concrete will gradually soak up moisture and set without having to add water. If not, simply use a watering can or hose.
4) If you are chosing to place the slotted railway sleepers onto a base of concrete, hardcore or gravel, then you need to prepare this first by digging a shallow trench between the steel H-beams and filling it with your base material. So saying, there are people who chose not to do this, and simply slot the railway sleeper onto soil or grass etc...    
The old railway sleeper should slot into the steel RSJ or H beam. Railwaysleepers.com5) Slotting railway sleepers into the sections of the steel H-beams is simple on paper, but heavy in practice. Take care of your back and fingers, and use sufficient lifting power, whether enthusiastic helpers or willing machines. The thickness of the railway sleeper has to be less than the width of the steel beam, otherwise it won't slot in. However IF there is a large gap behind the railway sleeper, after you have slotted it in, some people chose to knock in wooden wedges to keep the railway sleeper tight up against the front face of the H-beam. There again, others accept that that weight and pressure of the soil or material you are holding back, will naturally push the railway sleeper forward and hold it in place against the steel H-beam, and don't bother! Your choice.  
A simple way of building a boundary wall. Steel RSJs and old railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.com6) Remember to think about drainage. If there's going to be water building up behind the wall, where will it go? Some people place a layer of pea gravel, or perforated drainage pipe at the base of the railway sleeper wall, before backfilling with soil, so that the water can be channelled out. Otherwise you are creating a potential dam, which would be impressive if you decide to harness the water flow as a hydro-electric power project for the National Grid, or to generate environmentally friendly megawatts for the fairy lights in your garden shed. If not, allow space for it to gently soak away without saturating the railway sleepers. Sometimes the bottom of the wall can be a useful place to get rid of unwanted rubble or bricks. Saves on a skip, and encourages drainage!
6) a) Some landscapers chose to fix a PLASTIC SHEET or membrane on the inside of the railway sleepers, to create a barrier between the wet soil and the railway sleeper. Normally they use a thick heavy-duty plastic that won't degrade in the soil, like a builder's damp proof membrane (DPC), that you can get in any DIY shop or builders merchants. If you go down this route, be careful that water isn't trapped between the plastic and the railway sleeper, that may create a humid, rotting environment. Nice! 
b) There are also landscapers who PAINT the surface of the railway sleeper that is in contact with the soil with bitumen barrier paint or damp proof product such as 'BLACK JACK' (Click for our online selling link) that you would brush onto walls if you had a damp problem. Likewise there are people who apply fence or shed treatment every couple of years or so to the surface of the railway sleepers to help longevity and freshen them up. Choices...choices!  

What size or thickness of steel H-beam or RSJ do I need?
Massive height achieved with steel I beams and old railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.comUltimately it is the height of the wall, the force of what it is holding back, and the thickness and length of the railway sleeper that will determine the different dimensions of the RSJ that you require. The maximum height of an H-beam constructed wall is determined by the height and strength of the steels. The photo opposite shows a guy happily sitting underneath a 5.5m high steel H-beam railway sleeper wall, seemingly confident he's going to survive his lunchbreak and meet his girlfriend later. On the website we have many project examples with pictures of H-beam supported walls. Some are at least 3.5m high:
So, the mm thickness of a steel beam can vary, as can the individual dimensions of the web and flange, according to the circustances of your project and the size of the railway sleepers you are using. 

Steel H beams are used to slot railway sleepers into to create a retaining wall. Railwaysleepers.comThe exact size of steel H beam you need depends on the THICKNESS of the railway sleepers you are planning to slot into them.
1) 100mm-125mm thick railway sleepers can slot into the 152 x 152 H beamswith an internal width of 125mm (approx) and a depth of about 75mm to prevent the railway sleepers from falling out.
2) 100mm-160mm thick railway sleepers can slot into the 203 x 203 H beamswith an internal width of 160mm (approx) and a depth of about 100mm to prevent the railway sleepers from falling out.
If the wall or bridge needs to meet a specific load-bearing or structural requirement, then it makes sense to consult a structural surveyor who will advise. If the project is more straightforward, then the two choices we supply online should be sufficient. If in doubt choose the heavier duty 203 x 203 H beam which is stronger and thicker than the 152 x 152 H beam.
We have a large range of sizes on the website, however if you need a thickness or length of H beam that is not listed, please email or ring us, and we will give you a price.

Do I need U-beams at the end of my railway sleeper wall?
Steel U beams are an alternative to H beams on the end of a railway sleeper wall project. Railwaysleepers.comYou CAN complete the end of a run of steel H-beams with a U beam rather than another H beam. It's not structurally essential but it is seen as a neater and more aesthetic way of capping off the end, rather than leaving an exposed 'half used' H-beam.
1) 100mm-135mm thick railway sleepers can slot into a 180 x 75 U beamwith an internal width of 135mm (approx) and a depth of about 70mm to prevent the railway sleepers from falling out.
2) 100mm-160mm thick railway sleepers can slot into the 200 x 75 U beamswith an internal width of 160mm (approx) and a depth of about 70mm to prevent the railway sleepers from falling out.
It can also depend on the STRENGTH that you need. If the wall or bridge needs to meet a specific load-bearing or structural requirement, then it makes sense to consult a structural surveyor who will advise. If the project is more straightforward, then the two choices we supply online should be sufficient. If in doubt choose the heavier duty 200 x 75 U beam which is stronger and thicker than the 150 x 75 U beam.
We have a large range of sizes on the website, however if you need a thickness or length of U beam that is not listed, please email or ring us, and we will give you a price. The technical term for a U beam is a PFC (Parallel Flange Channels).

How to order steel H-beams or RSJs?
Steel H beams used to construct railway sleeper walls. Railwaysleepers.comWe supply a wide range of steel H-beams (also known as RSJs or Universal Columns).
H-Beams for Railway Sleepers
We can provide you with: 
1) 203 x 203 H-beamssuitable for 100-160mm thick railway sleepers, (with a steel depth of about 100mm to slide the railway sleepers into and stop them falling out) and
2) 152 x 152 H-beams, s
uitable for 100-125mm thick railway sleepers(with a steel depth of about 75mm to slide the railway sleepers into and stop them falling out)
H-Beam Lengths include 1.2m. 1.5m, 1.8m, 2.1m, 2.4m, 2.7m and 3.0m. We are also able to cut to size longer lengths, and specific sizes. Just contact us.  
Steel specification: S355JO 
British Standard: BS EN 10025/10034/10365 BS4-1.
Choice of bare steel or red oxide painted
Bare steel H beam to use with railway sleepers that will naturally develop a rusty red surface. Railwaysleepers.comRed oxide painted H beam to use with railway sleepers that acts as an undercoat but will naturally develop a rusty red surface if left unpainted.
BARE STEEL: If you want to leave the untreated steel H beams to naturally oxidise and weather to a richly coloured rusty red, then choose the bare steel option.
RED OXIDE: If you plan to paint the H beams with metal paint, then choose the red oxide option as a useful undercoat. If you leave it unpainted it will start to rust through the red oxide.

Hammerite metal paint for steel H beams and railwaysleepers. Railwaysleepers.comHammerite metal paint for steel H beams and railwaysleepers. Railwaysleepers.comHAMMERITE PAINT: If you plan to use Hammerite 'Direct to Rust' Paint, it should be applied directly to bare steel or rusted surfaces, (not red oxide painted steel) as it is a self-priming paint which does not require an undercoat. It is a durable, corrosion resistant decorative coating for steel that can be applied directly onto rusty metal by roller or brush. CLICK TO SEE WEBSITE PRICES

Pros and Cons of using steel H-beams or RSJs with railway sleepers?
A strong and visually striking way of creating a boundary wall. Steel RSJs and old oak railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.comPROS:
1) Very easy to construct with. Simply concrete beams into ground and slot in railway sleepers. (Similar to building a fence with concrete slotted fence posts)
2) Very strong & longlasting, epecially with high walls. Steel H-beams are often used to shore up rivers & pontoons.
3) Easy removal of railway sleepers. They can be easily replaced in the future.

4) Very rigid. Steel H-beams help to prevent the railway sleeper wall from twisting, warping or buckling. 
5) Good for the planet. H-beams & RSJs are made from 100% recyclable steel. 

1) Expensive to buy. Steel H-beams can make a hole in your budget.
2) Heavy to lift and install. You'll need sufficient people or lifting equipment
3) They can rust and discolour over the years.
4) They can look industrial or factory-like.  This can stand out in a natural looking garden or patio.  

What type of railway sleeper should I use with steel H-beams or RSJs?
A contemporary finish created with steel H beams and old oak railway sleepers. Railwaysleepers.comThere is a wide choice of railway sleepers, so you've got some great different options when building a wall with steel H-beams. Take a look at the WHAT RAILWAY SLEEPERS ARE BEST? page link. Things to take into consideration are:
What kind of railway sleeper 'look' do you want? Are you drawn to a new modern looking finish, or an old, weathered rustic look? In that case, either new oak or new pine railway sleepers, or used oak or used Azobe or tropical hardwood railway sleepers.
How long do you need the railway sleepers to last? If you only need it to last 5-10 years before you replace them, then new pine railway sleepers will be perfect. If you want them to be really strong and survive longer than that, then new or used hardwood oak railway sleepers should fit the bill. But if you want them to potentially outlast you, and bequeathe them in your will as a valuable inheritance to your bemused & unimpressed children, then the used tropical hardwood railway sleepers (Azobe, Jarrah etc..) will be the ones to chose. Tough, durable & bullet proof.     
Is creosote treatment ok? In many retaining wall settings, creosote treated railway sleepers will be absolutely fine, however it is generally advisable to avoid creosote treated railway sleepers in situations where there may be frequent skin contact with children or their clothes, e.g. a play area, nursery or school etc... So, where does that leave you? What kind of non-creosoted sleepers could you then use? You can choose between new British pine railway sleepers (that are eco-friendly green treated), new untreated oak railway sleepers, and untreated used tropical hardwood railway sleepers. (Azobe, Jarrah etc..). If you want to know more about creosote, and understand any potential issues with using creosote treated railway sleepers, visit our 

Examples of projects using Steel H-beams or RSJs & railway sleepers
Steel RSJs and railway sleepers protect an oil container in Melton Mowbray. Railwaysleepers.comHAVE A LOOK at some of the projects on the website where steel RSJ or H-beams have been used with railway sleepers to create walls. It is a fantastic resource that will fill your head with wonderful dreams and ideas about using steel beams and railway sleepers! PROJECTS WITH RAILWAY SLEEPERS & STEEL I-BEAMS/RSJs
Alternatively, have a look at:
Spectacular Scottish project
RSJ walls
Botree retaining walls 
Melton Building Supplies
Horse Menage
Compost bays
Warehouse walls
Richard's garden wall
Chester Zoo
If you can't find the kind of RSJ and H-beam railway sleeper project you are looking for, or you'd like some advice, then give us a ring: 0115 9890445

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