Random collection of railway sleeper raised beds, Part 1

Often we get sent photos of raised beds made from railway sleepers discovered when people are on their travels. Unlike the rest of the numerous railway sleeper projects in this section, there are no known landscapers to thank, or named gardeners to praise. This is an anonymous collection of creativity, and we value seeing them enormously.

RailwaySleepers.com Says..

RailwaySleepers.com supplies new and used hardwood & softwood railway sleepers throughout the UK. Railwaysleepers.com
A big thank you to everyone who has contributed, whether knowingly or not!  An inspiring collection of raised beds made from new & used railway sleepers, from simple squares to creative curves. What a wonderful world of railway sleeper raised beds we have in the UK. Whether grandly announcing the entrance to someone's house, or gently tucked into the quietest of back gardens, you will find thousands of railway sleeper raised beds created by gardeners in every village, town and city in Britain.